Kick Em All Out
We are truth seekers that verify information in several ways before reporting. All sides must be cleared of the deceivers.
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Fulton County GA 374,128 in-person ballot images are missing of the total 524,659 total votes cast. 1.7 million ballot images are missing in the entire state of GA. If you believe nothing nefarious is going on there you have your head up your rear-end!

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Yes! This right here!

Yes! This right here!

Thank you for standing in their way Mr. President!

Do you want to know the truth about what/who started the Ukrainian war? Look at the actors. Please share.


It was Obama that started it all against @GenFlynn and @realDonaldTrump.


Breaking: TMZ takes responsibility for an "error" in reporting Beyonce was going to perform.
Personally, I believe it was a seeded narrative to get people to watch the DNC so the Democrats could promote having more viewers than the RNC.
Now, we see that is what happened.

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