Kick Em All Out
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Yes! This right here!

Yes! This right here!

Thank you for standing in their way Mr. President!

It was Obama that started it all against @GenFlynn and @realDonaldTrump.


Breaking: TMZ takes responsibility for an "error" in reporting Beyonce was going to perform.
Personally, I believe it was a seeded narrative to get people to watch the DNC so the Democrats could promote having more viewers than the RNC.
Now, we see that is what happened.

BREAKING: The U.S. Supreme Court has just voted to REINSTATE a provision from an Arizona law that requires voter applicants to provide documentary proof-of-citizenship when getting registered to vote.
This overruled the decisions from the lower court judges who blocked the law. From here on out, proof of citizenship will now be required for new voters using a state voter registration form.

Democrats don't care about the Constitution or SCOTUS decisions. Enforcement will be difficult. Most counties will not purge their rolls or put in programs to enforce this at the DMV and government offices where they are registering illegals.

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